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Internal drive in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2024-09-14Updated:2024-09-14
Similar words: external driveinternal diameterinternational disputeinternational date lineprivate international lawinternational private lawoptical driveinternalMeaning: n. a drive mounted inside of a computer. 
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1. This internal drive can be user-installed in minutes.
2. For instance, you could buy another internal drive and install Linux on that.
3. If internal drive is not currently installed you may use target 5 for the external drive.
4. Intellectual talent, internal drive, diligent working attitude and can -do spirit all are prerequisites of the success of scientific research.
5. The questionnaire included cognitive internal drive, ego-enhancement drive and affiliated drive, which was of good internal consistency coefficient and constructs validity.
6. Intellectual endowments, internal drive, diligent working attitude and indomitable spirit all are prerequisites of the success of scientific research.
6. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
7. Attack and defense antagonism is the internal drive of the development of basketball.
8. There is an internal drive existing between China and France, which promotes the development of the bilateral relations.
9. That means that you installed Grub to your internal drive rather than your external.
10. The Domino executable files were installed on a single internal drive along with the operating system.
11. To split, reorganization, listed as the main characteristics of the capital of China's telecommunications industry to do large-scale internal drive.
12. It is argued that the severeness of mental health problem is related to the gap between individual internal drive and the subjective reality.
13. Survey results show that college students in Chongqing understanding of the physical training is more comprehensive, and already have a good physical exercise in stealth motivation and internal drive.
14. If you are honest with yourself you will feel less stressed, more optimistic, and will develop an internal drive from the confidence you portray.
15. If you want to fix it, you should first put grub on the external drive, then put Windows' bootloader back on the internal drive.
16. Listing 4 shows the output from the parted command p for an internal drive with primary, extended, and logical partitions on a Ubuntu 9.10 system and for a USB drive attached to a Fedora 12 system.
17. Similarly, Linux has no access to the SATA hard drive. Instead, it has access to a SCSI drive, which maps only onto the region of the internal drive that was allocated for the "Other OS" partition.
18. The external disk will appear as a regular hard drive: move it so it is before the internal drive in the boot order.
19. Many people aren't conscious of their emotions but when you learn how to be conscious of your emotions you tend to develop an internal drive that will lead you to what you really want to do in life.
20. I was also able to install a boot loader in the MBR of the internal drive and use that to boot the USB drive (where it appeared as hd1 in GRUB).
21. These conditions have leaded to a shortage of powerful internal drive mechanism and a harmonious operational mechanism on the development of the agriculture industrialization.
More similar words: external driveinternal diameterinternational disputeinternational date lineprivate international lawinternational private lawoptical driveinternalinternalsinternallyinternal analysisinternaliseinternalizeinternal earinternalityprinter driverinternal gearexternal interruptinternal organinternal tradeinternationalinterface driverinternational watersinternal memoryinternationaleinternationallyinternal revenueinternalizationinternal controlinternal storage
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